1. Why we need a strong back – a well conditioned back can hold up more stress ,protect the spine better than a back that is not thoroughly exercised. Back strengthening exercises not only helps the back avoid injury, orminimize the severity of the injury if the spine is traumatised, it also helps relieve the pain of many back conditions. Many back exercises can help strengthen the spin and supporting muscles ligament and tendons.
2. The best back exercise for Beginners – A great back basic exercise is to lie flat on your stomach, face down. Now place your hands together palms down at your forehead with elbows out to the side, legs together and flat on the floor. Slowly raise your upper body off the floor with head facing downwards and hold for 2 seconds, then return to the first position – repeat 10-20 times.
3. Try this if more advanced – Basic chin up – these are amazing and you can do anywhere, in gym or a park – sometimes at home if you have a supported beam or chin up specific bar. Chin-ups are very difficult as you are lifting your entire body weight. Start by hands facing away from you – hand width outside of should, grip bar and slowly pull your body upwards to look over the bar squeezing your elbows slightly backwards and pointed out to the sides – tighten your back muscles. Now hold for 2 seconds up the top then slowly lower down with a slight bend in the elbows (don’t straighten out fully) then repeat as many as you can !!